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The regulatory landscape in health and social care in England in 2009

25 June 2009
This briefing sets out the range and scope of 'regulators' in the health and social care sector in England. Its aim is to outline who does what in regulating, inspecting, auditing and contributing to setting standards in health and social care in the new regulatory landscape.
The RCN has made clear in several recent consultation responses and briefings the importance of system regulation. The RCN calls for a truly effective regulatory regime given the increase in providers involved in the delivery of health and social care. This includes sufficient levels of monitoring, investigation, and inspections, appropriate indicators and timely intervention by the CQC where wuality is poor. This means a regulator with teeth. By that we mean a regulator who proactively monitors providers via regular intelligence gathering and analysis, who acts swiftly when there is likely to be/there is harm, and uses powers to require change and in extreme cases, closes providers down.

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Page last updated - 07/09/2015