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RCN briefing on the NMC consultation on a proposed model of revalidation

05 February 2014
Consultations on proposals for the revalidation of nurses and midwives. Intended to provide background to these proposals and to highlight the key issues for nurses to consider.

The RCN is clear that providing an appropriate revalidation model to ensure nurses' practise remains up to date, is essential to public protection and as such should be a core function of the NMC. The RCN also believes that revalidation will play a role in creating and sustaining a strong culture of professionalism in the nursing community.

An effective revalidation model must ensure that registrants continue to meet core standards of conduct and practice through continuing professional development (CPD) and therefore is dependent on employers investing in proper processes of clinical supervision and appraisal. The RCN is aware that nurses do not always receive CPD and we work hard to encourage employing organisations protect the time and resources necessary for nurses to undertake CPD.

We believe the benefits of the Francis report recommendation to consider establishing the post of employment liaison officer, should be looked at carefully, as it may support organisations in overseeing systems of annual appraisal and ultimately, revalidation.

We are aware however, that with over 600,000 nurses and midwives on the NMC register, the revalidation project will require resources. We are concerned about the financial impact this may have on the NMC at a time when it is recovering from a period of poor financial and organisational management. It is critical that the NMC is realistic about the resources required to deliver an effective and efficient revalidation model. We consider that the DH may have to consider how best to support the NMC to achieve these shared goals.

The RCN believes that the costs associated with revalidation must not result in an increase of the registration fee paid by nurses and midwives to the NMC.

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