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POLICY: Seven day care in England

Update for RCN Congress 2015

24 June 2015
Written to update 2015 Congress delegates, this publication looks at the most recent developments on seven day care, including the UK government’s decision to extend seven day services in England. The document outlines the RCN’s position, describes the financial challenges for the NHS in England and addresses a range of nursing solutions that could support seven day care if enough resources are invested. 
To conclude, nursing is well positioned to be at the ‘leading edge’ of seven day care services. However, there needs to be appropriate planning, modelling, organisation and resources to be able to provide sufficient nursing staff where they are needed to support extended services. Nurses have a successful track record of taking on increased responsibility in the management of longterm conditions, such as asthma, hypertension, heart failure and diabetes. Many nurses can both prescribe and refer. These skills are available in roles that are highly valued by patients who feel nurses offer them time, as well as expert and personal care. It is critical that health care leaders invest in and use this huge talent pool when extending seven day care across England.

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