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Nursing and the Economic Downturn

19 November 2009
A roundtable discussion on Nursing and the economic downturn was held on 25 August 2009 at RCN headquarters in London. An invitation only meeting, it brought together prominent figures in nursing together with leading external thinkers and influencers who ordinarily have relatively little direct involvement in developing nursing policy. The roundtable was held in order to explore issues further regarding the creation of a Commission on the Future of Nursing and Midwifery in England, which was announced on 17 March by the Prime Minister. This paper, summarising the discussions, will be submitted to the Commission and will inform the work of the RCN Policy Unit in influencing health and social care policy.
A roundtable discussion on Nursing and the economic downturn was held on 25 August 2009 at RCN headquarters in London. An invitation-only meeting, it brought together prominent figures in nursing, together with leading external thinkers and influencers who ordinarily have relatively little direct involvement in developing nursing policy.

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Page last updated - 04/03/2021