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Our regulations

Regulations describe the way something is done.

For example, many of our regulations set out in detail how we must implement the rules in our Standing Orders.    

What do our regulations contain?

We have 15 regulations:

This regulation sets out the process for an RCN representative to be accredited (become formally recognised) or dis-accredited (cease to be accredited) by their Branch. 

Read the full regulation on accreditation and dis-accreditation.

This regulation sets out the process to follow when an accredited Representative, Council, Board or Committee member asks to step down temporarily from their role. It also lists the likely reasons for temporary absence and covers the rules around the timeframes that apply.

Read the full regulation for when an accredited representative or member elected or appointed to RCN Council, Board or a committee requests to take a temporary period of absence.

This regulation states that we must, under trade union legislation, appoint a qualified independent person to assure its register of members and produce a Membership Audit Certificate (the Assurer). This regulation sets out rules around the appointment and removal of the assurer, responsibilities for which sit with Council.

Read the full regulation on appointment and removal of an assurer.

This regulation implements the Standing Order about RCN branches. It sets out Council’s definition of a branch, their purpose and membership, and the requirement for the election of branch committees. It also states that RCN Council approval is required for any changes in the:

  • title
  • boundaries
  • dissolution
  • merger or
  • review

of any branch. 

Read the full regulation on RCN branches.

This regulation states that RCN Congress is the representative meeting of members. It allows RCN Congress to ask Council to take action on any matter that falls within our objects (purpose).

Read the full regulation on Congress.

This regulation sets out the criteria RCN Council, board and committee members must meet to ensure they are fit and proper to undertake their role. This includes requirements around character, honesty, integrity and financial credibility.

Read the full regulation on Council, board and committee members - fit and proper persons criteria.

These regulations set out the framework that the RCN Group must conduct its financial affairs within. They cover the full range of the RCN Group’s financial functions and processes and describe the financial controls that apply to all RCN Group activity.

Read the full RCN financial regulations.

These regulations set our a table of financial signing and approval limits for the RCN Group, which supports our financial regulations. It covers approval to undertake activity, approval/signing documentation, grants and bursaries and other items.

Read the full RCN financial regulations – financial limits.

This regulation sets out:

  • the purpose of RCN Forums
  • the process for any changes
  • the requirement for the election of forum steering committees
  • the process for establishing or disestablishing a forum

Read the full regulation on RCN Forums.

This regulation establishes:

  • eligibility for RCN membership
  • the membership categories
  • the different payment plans

The associated governance rights are set out in the RCN Definitions of Membership document approved by Council.

The regulation also states that membership terms and conditions are set out in the membership policy and processes document.

Read the full regulation on membership of the RCN.

This regulation sets out the process by which members can propose resolutions for general meetings (including the AGM) via a petition. This includes clear timescales and criteria that proposed resolutions must meet.

Read the full regulation on member resolutions at general meetings and annual general meetings.

This regulation defines the Nursing Support Workers constituency. 

Read the full regulation for the RCN Nurse Support Workers Constituency.

A proxy is someone who has the authority to vote on behalf of someone else at a general meeting. This regulation sets out how voting works for Council members acting as proxies. 

Read the full regulation for proxy voting at general meetings: proxy votes held by RCN Council members.

This regulation sets out the process members must follow if they want to request a general meeting.

Read the full regulation on requisitioning a general meeting.

This regulation states that no member can serve on Council, a board or a committee for longer than 3 full terms.

It also states that if a member has served 2 full terms consecutively, they must wait for at least half a full term of office before standing again.

Read the full regulation on terms of office.

How can we make changes to our regulations?

Changes to existing regulations or proposals for new ones must be approved by Council after a special resolution. Council must receive notice of the resolution in writing at least 14 days before the meeting where it will be discussed.

For the resolution to pass, at least half of Council members must be present at the meeting and two thirds must agree with the resolution. 

Find out more

Governance rulebook

Explore the policies and process we use to ensure effective governance within our College.

Our Royal Charter

Our Royal Charter was awarded to us in 1928 by King George VI. It sets our objectives, powers and more.

Our Standing Orders

Our Standing Orders, which underpin our Charter, set out the internal governance rules we must operate by.